This is a good idea.
I had done something like that for the original axis('equal') and
axis('scaled') but I don't think it is in the example directory anymore.
Once we get it to work again, I will make sure to do make an example and put
it in the units directory.

And Yes, I realize testing this stuff in interactive mode is not easy.
Eric has done a very nice job rewriting my original stuff in an organized
and much more comprehensive fashion. These are just some last minor issues
that need to be fixed.


On 2/15/07, John Hunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2/15/07, Mark Bakker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I found another problem that I cannot figure out.
> I make an axis, and make it 'scaled'.

Unit testing graphics packages can be hard, especially interactive
stuff like this, but I am a fan of poor man's unit testing here.  When
you get something working like you like it, write an example that
generates several figures, and make the figure title an instruction to
the user, like: "zoom the image and the axes aspect should update" and
that way when other developers make changes down the road they can
make sure all the original features are preserved.

These scripts can be put into the units directory of the svn repository.


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