On 3/13/07, Edin Salkovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Antonino,
> If your using the version 0.90 (or SVN) of matplotlib you can also use
> mathtext2.
> To enable it, put these lines in your matplotlibrc file:
> mathtext.mathtext2 : True
> mathtext.nonascii  : FreeSerif.ttf # Or any unicode font
> or, you can set it for your particular script:
> rcParams['mathtext.mathtext2'] = True
> rcParams['mathtext.nonascii'] = 'FreeSerif.ttf'

Interesting, I will try it when I have time to fiddle with 0.90
installation (currently I have 0.87,  included in ubuntu dapper).

> You can also set:
> mathtext.rm     :   FreeSerif.ttf # Roman font
> mathtext.it     :   FreeSerifItalic.ttf     # Text italic
> mathtext.tt     :   FreeMono.ttf    # Typewriter (monospaced)
> mathtext.mit    :   FreeSerifItalic.ttf     # Math italic
> mathtext.cal    :   FreeSansOblique.ttf # Caligraphic
> Beware that you have to have the freefonts installed on your system,
> or in the mpl data-dir.

Nice, thanks for the imformation. Do they work in matplotlib 0.87 too?
(In my quick test they do not work).

Currently I'm not able to change mathtext or "usetex" fonts (except
for the font size). The font.serif, font.sans, etc... properties
change only the normal text font.

Furthermore I have noted that with "usetex" ticks label are rendered
differently if they are explicitly set with set_[xy]ticklabels() or
not. Compare the ytick labels (automatic) and xtick labels (manually
set) in the attached plot. You can see also that the title and x axis
label fonts are "boldier" (weightier) than the standard latex Computer
Modern fonts (the difference become evident when the image is included
in a latex document). This effect is what I was talking about in
previous mail.

> Best,
> Edin


 ~ Antonio

PS: Sorry to Edin Salkovic for previous private reply

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