I think we want to keep matplotlib associated with the OS X Framework install of python; if we installed the macports version, am I correct in assuming that we could just dump the resulting python modules (eg. gtk, tkinter, and matplotlib) into the Framework install's site-packages dir (or more likely my own PYTHONPATH dir) and disregard the macports distro of python?

On Fri, 1 Jun 2007, Jochen Küpper wrote:

On 31.05.2007, at 20:34, Jeff Whitaker wrote:

The fink matplotlib package uses GTKAgg as the default backend, and
works fine over an ssh tunnel.  The admin will have to:

0) make sure X11.app (and the X11 SDK) is installed.
1) install fink
2) run 'fink selfupdate'
3) run 'fink install matplotlib-py25' (and wait a few hours for
everything to compile).

Same holds for MacPorts -- it has matplotlib in variants tk, gtk2, and wxPython.

I guess in your case you would need to convince yur Admin to install MacPorts, or install as a normal user, which might work -- that would then include gtk2 or wxWidgets as necessary.

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