
2007/6/19, Antoine Sirinelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 02:12:28PM +0200, David Tremouilles wrote:
> > Pyplotsuite is another pygtk project using matplotlib.
> > It is developed by Antonino Ingargiola.
> > http://pyplotsuite.sourceforge.net/
> > Could be maybe interesting to join the effort on providing nice pygtk
> > tools for matplotlib sharing common elements of this two projects.
> > Just a suggestion...
> Interesting project. Thanks for the link, I didn't know this project.

Because has not been announced anywhere yet :D.

Antoine, I like the idea of your script. I really would like to see a
such thing included in matplotlib eventually. It would help either to quick
modify *all* the plot parameters and to have an immediate visual
representation of the matplotlib hierarchies. So would help both
script's users and (matplotlib) programmers as well.

As suggestion I think would be useful to divide the properties in three
groups: free text, number and list and use for each of then a text entry, a
spin button or a combo box. Don't be offended if this is obvious to you :).

I've implemented a somewhat similar dialog for Plotfile2 (one of the
two scripts composing PyPlotSuite). My dialog although "similar" is
more limited
in scope. If you are interested you can see the dialog class here (line


and a screenshot to see how it looks like:


I will use your implementation and John Hunter's DialogLineprops as
source of inspiration. Thanks...

> > I'm very pleased to see there is an active and growing community using
> > matplotlib together with pygtk.
> I am using pygtk and matplotlib in my work for building interfaces to
> data analysis programs (numpy, scipy and C).

I've do this for my own purpose. After a while I decided to publish
some of my scripts so PyPlotSuite was born. The purpose is to allow
the user to visualize/analyze data without knowing python or
matplotlib. Ideally my scripts would be associated to specific file
types so that the file manager opens the data with the correct
"visualizer" (at least this is how I use them).

I'm open in any kind of collaboration, in both senses. I'm just a bit
limited in time ATM.


    ~ Antonio

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