On Tuesday 07 August 2007 11:37:45 am Johan Ekh wrote:
> OK,
> here is the LaTeX example from the cookbook, i.e. I executed the following:
> --- x ---
> import pylab
> from pylab import arange,pi,sin,cos,sqrt
> fig_width_pt = 246.0  # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth
> inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27               # Convert pt to inch
> golden_mean = (sqrt(5)-1.0)/2.0         # Aesthetic ratio
> fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt  # width in inches
> fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean      # height in inches
> fig_size =  [fig_width,fig_height]
> params = {'backend': 'ps',
>           'axes.labelsize': 10,
>           'text.fontsize': 10,
>           'xtick.labelsize': 8,
>           'ytick.labelsize': 8,
>           'text.usetex': True,
>           'figure.figsize': fig_size}
> pylab.rcParams.update(params)
> # Generate data
> x = pylab.arange(-2*pi,2*pi,0.01)
> y1 = sin(x)
> y2 = cos(x)
> # Plot data
> pylab.figure(1)
> pylab.clf()
> pylab.axes([0.125,0.2,0.95-0.125,0.95-0.2])
> pylab.plot(x,y1,'g:',label='$\sin(x)$')
> pylab.plot(x,y2,'-b',label='$\cos(x)$')
> pylab.xlabel('$x$ (radians)')
> pylab.ylabel('$y$')
> pylab.legend()
> pylab.savefig('fig1.eps')
> --- x ---
> Please find attached the resulting picture and the output from running the
> script with the flag "--verbose-debug-annoying".

What is wrong with your output? It looks fine to me. Maybe there is an issue 
with your ps viewer. Try using the agg backend, and saving a png to compare 
the results.

Also, a couple comments:

Any of your strings that have backslashes need to be raw strings:
'$\sin(x)$' should be r'$\sin(x)$'.

You should do this:

import matplotlib as mpl
params = {'backend': 'ps',
           'axes.labelsize': 10,
           'text.fontsize': 10,
           'xtick.labelsize': 8,
           'ytick.labelsize': 8,
           'text.usetex': True,
           'figure.figsize': fig_size}

before you do this:

import pylab


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