On 8/22/07, Tom Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why on the YellowDog 3 system would the x-axis show up as 0 - 2.5, and
> on the Ubuntu Feisty system would the x-axis show up as 2.2 - 2.4? I
> am attempting to resolve an autoscale problem elsewhere, and I must of
> screwed something up when I built matplotlib. But what?

The only explanation that makes sense to me is that you are picking up
different versions of mpl.  Did you ever install from svn on any
system?  You can print

>>> import matplotlib
>>> print matplotlib.__version__

but that doesn't always help, because frequently different svn
versions will print the same version number.  We should adopt the
numpy and scipy system of tagging the version w/ the svn revision


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