On Jan 18, 2008, at 8:42 PM, Michael Droettboom wrote:

> I think that would be worthwhile just to avoid (well, reduce) these
> problems when interface changes occur in the future.  Since you were
> forced to copy-and-paste poly_editor as a starting point, rather than
> inheriting from it, there's little you can do to move forward now  
> other
> than to manually update your own code.

Yes, that sucks, and I feel sorry for my self every time I have to do  

> I'm not opposed to the idea, but maybe we should take a survey of how
> it's being used now to make sure whatever it ends up looking like is
> sufficient.

I of course, am in favor.  It might also be a case of 'if we build  
it, they will come.'


Rob Hetland, Associate Professor
Dept. of Oceanography, Texas A&M University
phone: 979-458-0096, fax: 979-845-6331

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