On Feb 15, 2008 12:04 PM, Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have some functions that produce various figures. This is usually
> done by calling figure(), then the plot function (eg bar). I save the
> figure object and pass it out.
> I would like to be able to collect several figure objects from such
> functions and collect them as subplots in a single figure for easy
> printing, comparison. I don't want to change the functions that create
> them though, because I will also want to view them individually in the
> future.
> So given a load of figure objects, how can I make a new figure with
> each subplot one of the existing figures? (I hope this is clear). Does
> it matter if the original figure object has been closed? I'm having a
> look through the help to see if I could find it but it's taking a bit
> of time and I thought it's probably quite easy if your more familiar
> with the object structure of matplotlib.

I'm afraid I haven't been able to make very much progress with this on
my own. I tried calling get_children on the figure objects I have, and
then tried calling set_axes with the subplot of a new figure on each
of the children in the hope that this would bind them over, but after
playing a bit nothing I've tried seems to work.

Is it possible to do this, or even if it is is it perhaps too
complicated/involved to be worth while? (I had hoped it would be
relatively straightforward once I found the right combination of
get/set functions to move the plot objects over to the new subplot).



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