Sorry I'm just getting into this discussion now.

The wx backend in 0.98 is almost a complete rewrite to use 
wx.GraphicsContext rather than the older wx.DC interface.  It was no 
longer possible to move forward with the new rendering infrastructure 
with the wx.DC interface due to lack of support for polycurves.  As the 
wx backend is one of the least used, perhaps, it hasn't seen the same 
amount of testing as the others and you're running into the bleeding 
edge.  (And some of us still insert an implicit "beta" everytime we see 
the number 0.98... ;)

Note that in my testing, the new wx backend isn't any faster than wxagg 
over an X11 connection, and locally it's *insanely* slow.  On Linux it 
uses Cairo, which has the same bitmap transferring issues that Agg has.  
So that eliminates any advantages it may have had.  Possibly if one were 
doing some wx.GraphicsContext rendering interleaved with matplotlib 
rendering it might be useful, but I doubt there's any of that in the 
wild.  I would strongly suggest we just remove the wx backend at this 
point and move to wxAgg for everything.  I advocated this months ago, 
but forgot to follow through on it --->

WxAgg: 27.5 fps
Wx: 1.8 fps
Wx: 16.8 fps (without clipping)

Network (X11 with compression):
WxAgg: 2.0 fps
Wx: 1.7 fps
Wx: 2.0 fps (without clipping)


John Hunter wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 9:21 PM, James A. Benson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   My app uses the wx backend, so I happened to notice
>> that the backend_wx doesn't seem to work with
>> matplotlib 0.98.0. Running the 0.98 example
>> shows the problem. Only a bit of the lines get plotted. The
>> pan up/down zoom in/out all show various error messages.
>> When i revert back to 0.91.3 and run the same 0.91 example
>> it works fine.
> Hey James, we were discussing problems with the wx backend on 0.98
> yesterday on the devel list, and Ken offered to take a look at them,
> so it is possible we will have those fixed for the next bugfix
> release.  What wx version are you using?
> Note that unless you are running over an x11 connection, there is
> little reason to prefer wx over wxagg, which has better rendering and
> more features.  Over an x11 connection, wxagg is slow because it has
> to pass the who bitmap over the wire, but otherwise it works great.
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