On Thursday 03 July 2008 02:28:47 pm Michael Droettboom wrote:
> Friedrich Hagedorn wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > today I tried to install mpl in my local home directory at work. This
> > debian distribution is very old and I had to compile for my own.
> >
> > But I failed to compile pygtk (special cairo and pango) as a dependency
> > for mpl. So I have two questions:
> >
> > 1. Does you have an advice to compile mpl with minimal dependencies?
> You can copy "setup.cfg.template" to "setup.cfg" and then edit the [gui]
> section to disable certain GUIs.  You will need at least one GUI --
> TkAgg is probably going to be the easiest to get working on an older
> system.  You will need to have Tkinter and the Tcl/Tk development
> headers installed, however.
> > 2. Does anybody know a good python dirstibution including mpl?
> Enthought has one, but I have no experience with it.

It might be worth keeping an eye on Python(x,y). It doesn't have a linux 
installer yet, but it looks like Pierre is working on it.


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