Morning all!
I have some data (basically weather data) that I want to create some
nice graphics (mainly PR type images) out of. My initial idea is to
generate meshes from the data and import them into povray (ray tracing
utility). Now matplotlib easily generates contours, is there a utility
out there for generating meshes.
eg L=isosurface(X,Y,Z,V, level) 
L: list/array of triangles where a triangle is len 3 list/array of len 3
tuples (x,y,z)
X: array or meshcube of the x oridnate
V: array/list where len(V.shape)=3
level: float, level of isosurface
I can kind of envisage a way it could be done by generating contours on
constant Z slices of the cube and then searching for the closest
vertices of the contour below it to make meshes... 
I have played with MayaVI but have run into a few issues with it. (happy
to receive recommendations of other 3D Vis environments compatible with
Scipy/Numpy or that can read in NetCDF easily)
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