Mauro Cavalcanti wrote:
> Dear Jeff,
> 2008/12/7 Jeff Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Mauro:  Just set the llrncrlat,urcrnrlon appropriately.  For instance,
>> llcrnrlon=0, urcrnrlon=360 will produce a map centered on the dateline while
>> llcrnrlon=-180, urcrnrlon=180 will produce a map centered on Greenwich.
> Thanks! I had not figured out that the decimal coordinates used by
> Basemap range from 0 to 360 (and not just from -180 to 180). Using
> this tip, I could also create a map centered on the Indian Ocean. BTW,
> by varying the llcrnrlat and urcrnrlat, can one also create maps
> centered on the North and South poles using a Equirectangular
> projection?

Mauro:  I realized that this is actually possible with the Cassini 
projection (the transverse aspect of the cylindrical equidistant).

from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
m = Basemap(lon_0=0,lat_0=0,projection='cass',\

Don't know why you would actually do it though, if you want to show 
polar regions you should probably use the polar stereographic maps 
(npstere, spstere).

> With best regards,

Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone : (303)497-6313
NOAA/OAR/CDC  R/PSD1        FAX   : (303)497-6449
325 Broadway                Boulder, CO, USA 80305-3328

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