Dear Jeff,

2008/12/8 Jeff Whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Mauro:  I realized that this is actually possible with the Cassini
> projection (the transverse aspect of the cylindrical equidistant).
> Don't know why you would actually do it though, if you want to show polar
> regions you should probably use the polar stereographic maps (npstere,
> spstere).

I had not yet had time to try Cassini's before receiving your posting.
As Scott already pointed out, no doubt the polar projections are more
adequate to representing the poles (pretty obvious!). I just intended
to try making the most parsimonious use of the Basemap parameters :-).
The polar stereographic are nice, but what about the polar azimuthal,
that also look good? Just curious.

Best regards,

Dr. Mauro J. Cavalcanti
Ecoinformatics Studio
P.O. Box 46521, CEP 20551-970
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL
Linux Registered User #473524 * Ubuntu User #22717
"Life is complex. It consists of real and imaginary parts."

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