On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Ryan May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My only other concern is whether this belongs in 0.98.x.  This is a behavior
> change from 0.98.3, not necessarily a bug fix.  I'll defer to John, et al.
> on whether this should go in 0.98.x or go in a later release.

It's a judgement call, but we have always had new features and minor
API changes in the point releases.  Except on the 0.91 maintenance
branch, which is only bugfix, we have continuously added   new stuff
on every release.  When the breakage is likely to be difficult, or the
new feature really significant, we will push the major version.  I
don't think these changes are so significant that they require waiting
until a new major version number, but you may want to consider issuing
a warning in addition to the requisite explanation in the docstring


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