Mauro Cavalcanti wrote:
> Dear Jeff,
> Thanks for your attention.
> 2008/12/13 Jeff Whitaker <>:
>> Mauro:  Did you update from SVN?  If so, can be more specific about what
>> didn't work?  The return value of fillcontinents should be a list of Polygon
>> instances, each with a remove method.
> Well, let's see... I am using version 0.99.2 from the regular
> installation package (under Ubuntu Hardy). The problem is that I
> cannot resort to SVN versions because my application should run with
> MPL/Basemap versions that can be downloaded and installed by
> unsophisticated Windows users (those that know how to download an
> ".exe" file, click on it, and install).

Mauro:  I realize that - but if you can test the SVN version then I can 
make a new release before you release your app.

> So, if I do correctly understood, the sample code below will work only
> with the SVN version?
> contpolys = map.fillcontinents()
> for contpoly in contpolys:
>       contpoly.remove()


> With best regards,
> PS BTW, the new "scale" parameter on the Blue Marble drawing method
> works quite well! Using it, I have been able to reduce the time
> required to draw an excellent image by several orders of magnitude!

> Have not yet tested the speed improvements you did to the drawrivers()
> method.
I haven't changed the drawrivers method.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone : (303)497-6313
NOAA/OAR/CDC  R/PSD1        FAX   : (303)497-6449
325 Broadway                Boulder, CO, USA 80305-3328

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