On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Jouni K. Seppänen <j...@iki.fi> wrote:
> "John Hunter" <jdh2...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> I'll take a closer look at this later.
>> Thanks for looking into this Jouni -- please make sure to fix in the
>> branch and merge to the trunk, as described in
>> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/devel/coding_guide.html#using-svnmerge
> I have a patch (attached) that fixes this case but breaks figimage. It
> seems to me that the bug is in figimage, but with the current pdf
> backend (which forces dpi=72 for all images) it happens to work right.
> I'm a little wary of making this change on the maintenance branch
> without also fixing figimage, and I don't really know how to fix
> figimage.
> The bug in the pdf backend is that it forces dpi=72, because in PDF 1.4
> there are always 72 points to an inch. (In some later versions the scale
> can be changed, but never mind that for now.) This is a problem because
> sometimes people want to have their figures at a higher resolution. The
> attached patch adds an image_dpi variable to the pdf backend and uses it
> like the ps backend does: get_image_magnification() returns
> image_dpi/72.0, and the width and height of images are divided by this
> magnification factor.

I am not sure what figimage should mean for a vector backend so I want
to hear from Perry who motivated the function.  When I implemented it
on his original request, I understood it to be a raw pixel dump to the
canvas with no scaling, no interpolation, etc....  What does a pixel
dump to a canvas mean for a vector backend?   I think we could define
something that was at least consistent, but we should probably hear
from Perry et al who are presumably using the function.


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