Hello John and others,

my favorite solution is:
> * axes param: specific for a given axes in figure; interface would
> be something like
>    ax.auto_toolbar_keys(False)

Which would be really helpful in case an axes belongs to a button 
(slider, ...), where logarithmic scaling or a grid are not of special 
interest - at least for me.

best regards,

On Wednesday 17 September 2008 04:58:34 John Hunter wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 9:00 PM, James Schombert <jscho...@uoregon.edu> 
> > I'm switching from an old graphics package (PGPLOT) to matplotlib, and I
> > prefer to use the graphics window to input commands (such as, a new
> > file name) by typing at the bottom of the frame
> >
> > so if the file name, for example, has a 'g' or 'l' in its name, the
> > window redraws a grid or log
> >
> > it would be nice to have some sort of disable option, or a freeze method
> > until I have finished inputing the text
> >
> > currently my work around is to test for a 'g' or 'l' and ax.grid(False)
> > plus a forced redraw, but this is not elegant and breaks the flow of my
> > analysis routines
> This will not be particularly hard to conditionally turn off -- the
> question is what is the best mechanism?  The main choices are:
>  * rc param - global for all figures
>  * figure param - specific to a given figure; interface would be
> something like:
>      fig.auto_toolbar_keys(False)
>  * axes param: specific for a given axes in figure; interface would
> be something like
>    ax.auto_toolbar_keys(False)
> Any preferences, thoughts?  I think the ability to turn this off is
> pretty important for application developers and others.  I guess
> another option would be to support an rc param like
>   figure.toolbar_keys :  l, g, f, a
> which is a sequence of keys that will generate the default behavior
> (log, grid, fullscreen, set_navigate on all).  The user could set just
> the elements of the list that they want to have the default action for
> (or None)

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