On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 10:29 AM, Kaushik Ghose
<kaushik_gh...@hms.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> I was plotting some data collected from an ADC and noticed an odd aliasing
> issue. Please see the images on the following site.
> http://assorted-experience.blogspot.com/2008/12/odd-aliasing-issue-with-matplotlib.html
> I wonder if there is any way to avoid this kind of aliasing. I vaguely 
> remember
> our old arch-foe (MATLAB) handles this gracefully. I have found matplotlib's
> plotting to be superior to MATLAB's in every way (except for 3D) and it would 
> be
> nice if aliasing could be handled gracefully.

I'm almost certain this is a result of the path simplification logic.
Could you upload some sample data and a self contained script so we
can test?
You can test this by editing site-packages/path.py and replacing::

  self.should_simplify = (len(vertices) >= 128 and
                                (codes is None or np.all(codes <= Path.LINETO)))


  self.should_simplify = False

Michael, perhaps we could override path.should_simplify with an rc or
line property?

> Also, thanks for the excellent binary packages for Mac!

Thanks for testing them!

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