On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Paul Anton Letnes <
paul.anton.let...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm having issues using LaTeX text processing with the xpdf distiller.
> After playing with my settings, I finally managed to get vector graphics
> output using LaTeX test processing. However, a weird error message pops up
> in the terminal every time (mostly annoying, the plotting actually works):
> Error: No paper information available - using defaults
> Error: No display font for 'Courier'
> Error: No display font for 'Courier-Bold'
> Error: No display font for 'Courier-BoldOblique'
> Error: No display font for 'Courier-Oblique'
> Error: No display font for 'Helvetica'
> Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Bold'
> Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-BoldOblique'
> Error: No display font for 'Helvetica-Oblique'
> Error: No display font for 'Symbol'
> Error: No display font for 'Times-Bold'
> Error: No display font for 'Times-BoldItalic'
> Error: No display font for 'Times-Italic'
> Error: No display font for 'Times-Roman'
> Error: No display font for 'ZapfDingbats'
> I attach my matplotlibrc file for reference. Note especially the stuff at
> the end with usetex=True and distiller = xpdf. If you know any other
> settings that might work better, please let me know! I suspect these
> settings are the sources of my annoying error messages.

Do you have the relevant latex font packages installed? Like psnfss? I
suspect this is an issue with your latex installation, not matplotlib.

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