On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Thomas Robitaille <
thomas.robitai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering if it is possible to override the 'save' button in
> wxAgg so that once a filename has been specified in the dialog, a
> custom function is run instead of the default savefig? Maybe this
> would require too much hacking?

You could probably override the
matplotlib.backends.backend_wx.NavigationToolbar2.save function.  If you are
using pylab/pyplot, this function is accessible as

  In [3]: fig.canvas.manager.frame.toolbar.save
  Out[3]: <bound method NavigationToolbar2WxAgg.save of
<matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg.NavigationToolbar2WxAgg; proxy of <Swig
Object of type 'wxToolBar *' at 0x3b5bc60> >>

and has the signature::

    def save(self, evt):

where evt is the GUI event that generated the callback (can safely be

If you are embedding mpl in wx directly, you can create your own toolbar as
in the embedding_in_wx* examples at


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