Hi John,

Thanks for your help!

I'm not sure how I should go about overriding the existing method. Say  
I have the following custom savefig():

def savefig(self, evt):
     print "Hello world"

and a figure() instance fig, how do I actually tell  
fig.canvas.manager.frame.toolbar.save to actually point to my custom  



On 28 Apr 2009, at 11:57, John Hunter wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 8:21 AM, Thomas Robitaille 
> <thomas.robitai...@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if it is possible to override the 'save' button in
> wxAgg so that once a filename has been specified in the dialog, a
> custom function is run instead of the default savefig? Maybe this
> would require too much hacking?
> You could probably override the  
> matplotlib.backends.backend_wx.NavigationToolbar2.save function.  If  
> you are using pylab/pyplot, this function is accessible as
>   In [3]: fig.canvas.manager.frame.toolbar.save
>   Out[3]: <bound method NavigationToolbar2WxAgg.save of    
> <matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg.NavigationToolbar2WxAgg; proxy of  
> <Swig Object of type 'wxToolBar *' at 0x3b5bc60> >>
> and has the signature::
>     def save(self, evt):
> where evt is the GUI event that generated the callback (can safely  
> be ignored).
> If you are embedding mpl in wx directly, you can create your own  
> toolbar as in the embedding_in_wx* examples at
>   http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/user_interfaces/ 
> index.html

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