On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 21:25, John Hunter <jdh2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The problem here is that I built the site docs from svn, not the last
> release.  0.98.6svn is the version stamp from svn.  I have mixed
> feelings about fixing this.  On the one hand, there is merit to having
> the site docs reflect the current stable release.  On the other hand,
> I like pushing people onto svn HEAD, because this is where all the
> latest features and bugfixes are.  By building the site docs from svn,
> viewers of the gallery and examples directories, as well as the
> plain-ol-docs, get a peak at what is possible from svn.  If they try
> it and find their latest installation doesn't support it, after
> complaining on the mailing list they may try installing svn.  And that
> is a plus for mpl, because we have more testers on svn HEAD and more
> potential developers.

That makes sense, however the reason I was asking is that I am the
maintainer of the MacPorts matplotlib port and I wanted to a way to
check for the latest release, I had been using a regex to the check
the latest version as displayed on home page but when this was updated
to the svn release this broke. Also as the release is not a
specific release but a sub release of 0.98.5 I can't use the
sourceforge downloads page to query this.

It would be really helpful if a page was provided that listed the
latest stable release that packagers could use to automatically query.



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