Pierre GM wrote:
> On Jun 23, 2009, at 8:27 AM, Jeff Whitaker wrote:
>> Pierre:  The reason I did it that way was so that the basemap 
>> instance could be created independent of any axes instances.  For 
>> instance, you can create a basemap instance before an axes instance 
>> is created, or you read in a basemap instance from a pickle. If a 
>> axes instance is associated with a Basemap instance, you can't save 
>> it in a pickle.
> I understand that, I use pickled basemaps all the time. It's a great 
> feature, by the way, thanks a lot.
>> If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that when the 
>> basemap instance is created, the "ax" attribute be set to plt.gca() 
>> if no axes instance is passed in through the kwarg, instead of just 
>> setting it to None.
>>  In that case, an axes instance will be created and assigned to the 
>> Basemap instance if one doesn't already exist.
> That's the gist of it, yes. My point is that as soon something is 
> drawn, the basemap should be linked to an Axes instance. The link 
> could be overwritten later.
>>  I guess I don't see any compelling reason for that, since you can 
>> always assign an axes instance to the Basemap instance later (via 
>> "map.ax = plt.gca()".
>>  I'd rather have this done explicitly by the user, than have it 
>> happen automatically, with potentially surprising results.
> Well, talking about surprising results, the experience I was relating 
> in the original message: I load a basemap from a pickle, plot some 
> contours on it (therefore, a new Axes is created), add a colorbar (a 
> second Axes is created) and then draw a mapscale. I expect the 
> mapscale to be drawn on the axes associated with the basemap, because 
> I'm using one of the basemap's methods to plot the mapscale. With the 
> current implementation, the scale gets drawn on the colorbar.
> So yes, I could explicitly link the basemap to the first Axes myself. 
> I still think my suggestion would be far less confusing, but I won't 
> lose sleep over it. In any case, I think the snippet I put in the 
> latest message could simplify the code (just drop the line setting 
> self.ax to ax)...
Pierre:  Doing what you suggest (having Basemap.__init__  automatically 
set self.ax to the current axes) will break pickling, so I can't do 
that.  I think the next best thing is just to set it manually.  I know 
the colorbar behavior is annoying, but I think it's just something you 
have to live with if you use the pylab interface.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
NOAA/OAR/PSD  R/PSD1        Email  : jeffrey.s.whita...@noaa.gov
325 Broadway                Office : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-113
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