Pierre GM wrote:
> On Jun 23, 2009, at 6:01 PM, Jeff Whitaker wrote:
>> Pierre:  Doing what you suggest (having Basemap.__init__   
>> automatically set self.ax to the current axes) will break pickling,  
>> so I can't do that.
> Oh, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding: I never suggested that  
> Basemap.ax should be set at creation (apart from Basemap.ax=None).  
> Instead, I suggested that it would be set when a drawing method is  
> called that requires access to the underlying Axes (basically, all the  
> plotting methods).
> That way, as soon as something is plotted, we associate the basemap  
> instance with one particular Axes instance and we stick to it by  
> default. We can always break the link by changing basemap.ax (that is,  
> associate to another Axes instance),  but we don't have the surprise  
> of using the last Axes instance by default.

OK, Pierre.  Now I understand.  That sounds reasonable, and I don't 
think it will break any existing code.
> Now, the more I think about it, the more I'd prefer to separate  
> Basemaps from Axes. Right now, self.ax assures the connection in a way  
> I find frustrating. I'd prefer getting rid of Basemap.ax and force  
> 'ax' to be defined all the time.

Don't exactly know what you mean here - make the ax keyword to the 
drawing methods mandatory?
> Alternatively, we could consider having  2 separate objects:  a  
> Basemap that stores all the projection information but has *NO*  
> plotting methods, and a MapAxes that inherits from Axes and requires a  
> specific Basemap attribute at creation. The current plotting routines  
> would be associated with the MapAxes object.

Hmm.  I see how this could work, but what would be the added benefit 
(beyond what we would get by implementing your first suggestion)?


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