Denis-B wrote:
> Jeff Whitaker wrote:
>> Denis:  I have added an 'interp' keyword to griddata (svn revision 7287) 
>> so you can choose the faster linear interpolation with interp='linear'.  
> Thanks Jeff,
>    that was quick.  Do you also see linear waaaay faster than NN, factor 100
> ?!
> (Fwiw, a quick run of the Mac Shark profiler shows lots of time in
> NaturalNeighbors::interpolate_one
> which uses stdlib stacks heavily -- overkill for tiny stacks.)

Denis:  I see more like a factor of 3 or 4, not 100.
> Did my last question on Ntri -> Ngrid -> Npix make any sense at all ?

Not really, but I haven't had the time to think about it very hard.

> It would be nice if one could go straight from a triangulation to pixels --
> will ask AGG.
> cheers
>   -- denis

Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist               FAX    : (303)497-6449
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