Hi Chris,

Christopher Barker wrote:
> Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
>> I am trying to put together a wxPython frame using py.aui to show 
>> multiple matplotlib.figures/canvas.
> I'd recommend you take a look at wxMPL -- it's a nice way to embed MPL 
> in wx.
I'll have a look at this.
>> Would like that each figure takes x percentage of available screen 
>> estate.  I.e. would like e.g. to have 2 rows with 3 columns of 
>> figures/statistics, i.e. 6 graphics.
> To be clear with the vocabulary -- in MPL, a "figure" would be one 
> wxWindow. In that you can put multiple "axes" which show the actual 
> plots (sometimes referred to as subplots). In this case, I'm not sure if 
> you want more than one MPL figure.
I am not sure yet if multiple axes/subplots is the way to go or to have
multiple figures.  I was leaning towards multiple figures, each a pane
in AUI, to allow the user to size them how they want.
>> If the total screen estate is too small then there should be scrollbars 
>> per figure/canvas.
> If you want multiple figures, than this isn't really an MPL question. 
> You'd do that layout the same way you would with any other set of 
> wxWindows -- probably putting them all on a wxScrolledWindow, in Sizers, 
> and giving them a minimum size.
> With a single MPL Figure, it would be similar, put it on 
> wxScrolledWindows, with a minimum size set.
O.K. will play with this.  In the mean time I found also some sample
code from the matplotlib doc/gallery (great piece of documentation!!!!!).
>> Hopefully some samples code (in the example files which existed in 
>> 0.90.x)
> Is this what you are looking for?
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/index.html
> in particular, you might want to look at the wx examples here:
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/user_interfaces/index.html
Yes, this is what I was looking for.  Although it is a pity that these
do not have the sample graph as is shown in the gallery - but looking at
both I think I should find what I need.

Thanks for the tips

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