Erik Schweller wrote:
> My overall goal is to generate contour plots for a wide range of input
> data.  The data points are not regularly spaced and do not align to
> any grid.  The data points represent measurements taken from a model
> that can take on a variety of shapes.  To make matters more difficult,
> I'd prefer not to interpolate around corners of the model.

It strikes me that when you are working with unstructured data like 
this, it may be better to keep it unstrucured -- do the delanauy 
triangulation and directly contour from that. It's actually prety easy 
to contour a triangular mesh.

Unfortunately, I haven't see code to do it in scipy or MPL. Am I wrong? 
Is there something there. If not, there really should be it seems a bit 
silly to shoehorn your data to a rectangular grid just to contour it.

I suppose NN interpolation is essentially doing this already, but it 
introduces issues with a boundary that doesnt' line up to a rectangular 

As I think about it, I'm going to have to write code to do this (contour 
an unstructured triangular mesh) sometime soon, so please let me know if 
it does exist already -- if not I'll try to remember to contribute it 
when I get around to it.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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