Ian Thomas wrote:
> To summarise, you recommend the following units of functionality:
> 1) Triangulation class to wrap existing delaunay code.

The idea here is that it would provide a class that holds the result of 
the triangulation. Yes, it would use the existing delaunay code by 
default, and hopefully optionally use the not-as-good-a-license code the 
Robert Kern put in SciPy. In the future, I hope we can find a robust and 
well-licensed code -- I may be able to release some in-house code of 
ours for that some day.

> 2) Separate the storage of and creation of contour sets so that you
> can create your own.
> 3) tricontour and tricontourf functions to contour a Triangulation.
> 4) Python utility plotting functions for a Triangulation (triplot,
> tripcolor, etc).
> 5) Simple wrappers for 3 and 4 so you can just pass in the points and
> the Triangulation is created for you behind the scenes.

yup -- that all sounds great!

> I am happy to make a start with this;


> no doubt it will take me a while.  I should point out that I don't intend
 > to tinker with the
> delaunay code, so we'll still left with those pathological cases
> that it doesn't work with.  Maybe this can be revisited when I'm done.

hopefully, there still doesn't appear to be a really good delaunay code 
with a flexible license out there -- pity.

> Do you want it all in one go, or one unit of functionality at a time
> (my preference)?

I don't see any reason to add it piecemeal, as long as the pieces are 
useful by themselves.

> Let's see!  I'll hold off starting until there have been some votes
> for it from other people.

hmm -- I wonder if a post to matplotlib-devel is in order. Most of those 
folks are on this list, to, but may not be following this thread.

By the way, it sounds like your contouring code is in C++ -- is that 
important? I don't expect it should be that computationally expensive, 
though maybe hard to vectorize -- C++ does make portability harder, 
though there's a bunch in MPL already.  If I was starting from scratch, 
I'd use Cython, if pure Python didn't cut it.


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