
I did an application that uses bitmaps constructed with MathTextParser as described in the example http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/user_interfaces/mathtext_wx.html (I work with Windows XP, python 2.5, Matplotlib 0.98.5 and wxPython

After making a lot of these bitmaps (from about 50 to 150...) the program crash as described in the thread [matplotlib-devel] Fontcache problem on windows <http://www.mail-archive.com/matplotlib-de...@lists.sourceforge.net/msg02353.html>.

I spent hours on this problem ... and I found this :
It seems to come from the maxdict(50) instance used by the MathTextParser as "cache" : if I replace it by a simple dict, my program works fine ... but the cache never stop to grow up !

Has anyone (among developpers ?) an idea for doing things better.

Thanks by advance

PS : Please, be indulgent with my English ...
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