Cédrick FAURY wrote:
> Thank you for responding so quickly !!
>> I don't think these problems are related.  One is a cache of math 
>> expression images, the other is a cache of fonts.
> I know ... and i found a lot of way to reproduce the same crash...
>> I am unable to reproduce this on Matplotlib on Linux (don't 
>> have a Windows box handy).  Can you run the attached script (which is 
>> just a modification of mathtext_wx.py to generate 60 different math 
>> expressions, and let me know if that crashes for you?
> This script does'nt work (it causes a PyAssertion error : invalid 
> stock id)
If it's a PyAssertion error, it should have a traceback.  Is there not one?


Michael Droettboom
Science Software Branch
Operations and Engineering Division
Space Telescope Science Institute
Operated by AURA for NASA

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