Tim Burgess wrote:
> So....decided to go down the MacPorts path. Many automated downloads 
> later, I now have a successful Basemap install (yay!)
> Many thanks to the folks who have contributed to MacPorts and 
> interestingly geos 3.1.1 is installed.

Is it 64 bit now. If so...

> Only present worry is that wxWidgets port is not building on 10.6 - yet 
> to resolve that.

wxWidgets/wxPython can not be built (for the Mac) 64 bit. It is built on 
Carbon, which Apple has not and will not port to 64 bit. There is a 
Cocoa version of wxMac, but it's not done yet, and has not been wrapped 
for Python.

You may be able to get a 64bit GTK/X11 wxPython working with MacPorts -- 
I've never tried that.

> And FYI, to check whether you have a 64bit Python install:
>  >>> import sys; print sys.maxint
> 9223372036854775807

So it looks like you are running 64 bit -- what a pain this all is.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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