> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Gregor Thalhammer
> <gregor.thalham...@i-med.ac.at> wrote:

>> 1) I would like to stay independent of the backend, therefore I would
>> prefer a approach like in idle_and_timeout
>> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/event_handling/idle_and_timeout.html
>> However, with my default backend WXAgg I do not continuously idle
>> events, but only once e.g. after each mouse movement. Can someone give
>> me more information about the intended behaviour, current status and
>> support of idle events?

Well,  yes, that is how wx idle events work. I have no idea how any 
other toolkits do idle events. As a result, I've found that I never use 
EVT_IDLE with wx -- it just isn't useful, you get a whole bunch of them 
when someone is doing something like moving the mouse slowly, and none 
when the user is doing nothing.

What I have done is use a wx.Timer instead -- if you want something to 
happen when the user isn't doing anything, you can start a timer, and 
have it fire whenever you want. You can also have the timer started by 
an IDLE event, and have each subsequent IDLE event

I don't know if MPL has a Timer that wraps the GUI toolkit timers, but 
that may be a good idea.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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