How about just extending the functionality of the "annotate"? I
believe it should be quite straight forward since "annotate" already
support "offset points". And "points" in matplotlib is dpi

However, I think calling "annotate" for an offset text is a bit
inconvenient for now.

annotate("Test", (0.5, 0.5), xytext=(10, 10), textcoords="offset points")

And, I prefer Eric's suggestion.

text(x, y, "Honolulu", offset = (1, 1), offset_units='ex')

So, I think one of the easiest way is to
  1) extend annotate to take offsets in some arbitrary units (we may
just add "offset fontsize", "offset ex" as an option for textcoords,
or we may add a new keyword)
  2) then modify "text" to call annotate when there is an "offset" keyword.

Philip, for now, you may use annotate, which I think is a bit easier
to use than working with transformation, and also it gives you a
dpi-independent offset.



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