On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Eric Firing <efir...@hawaii.edu> wrote:
> The reason for this fudge in contour is that contourf fills
> lower < z <= upper
> for each consecutive pair of contour levels.
> When the minimum value of z coincides with the lowest level, then regions
> with that minimum are left blank; so the lowest level is adjusted downward
> slightly, making the lowest contour interval include the minimum value.

I understand levels can be adjusted for a better contouring, but I'm
not sure whether this change needs to be visible to users.

The autoleveler, initially creates following levels

[0, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9.]

But due to the reason you described above, they become

array([ -9.00000000e-06,   1.50000000e+00,   3.00000000e+00,
         4.50000000e+00,   6.00000000e+00,   7.50000000e+00,

And the colorbar uses the adjusted levels for labeling. But I think it
may make more sense to use the initial levels (at least for the
colorbar ticks).



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