Adolfo Aguirre wrote:
> He´s answer was that Zope awas not an straightforward stable 
> environment but a work-in-progress,

Zope has been around a long time, it' s fine environment, particularly 
when used as the core of Plone. Zope does have its own way of doing 
things that are not to everyone's taste. If your admin folks don't like 
it, there are MANY other ways to build a web app with Python.

MPL should work with any Python web application framework that allows 
arbitrary python packages, which is probably every one.

I'd take a look at Django, Pylons and Turbogears, at least.

 > and that he did not find a single
> straight way to put matyplotlib online.

He was not looking very hard.

On the other had, if you have a well established set of web services 
built on PHP, they may not want to build something new, but I'll bet you 
could still use MPL to do your plotting by calling Python as a separate 
process. You could even get fancy and build a web service that does the 
plotting, and have your web apps call that (Pylons would be good for 
that, it's very flexible)

> in case we are missing something.

I think you are -- MPL is a fine choice for putting plots on the web. 
PHPlot may be also -- I know nothing of it.



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