On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 8:20 AM, Jakub Nowacki
<j.s.nowa...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have quite general question. Since mplot3d now back in matplotlib, the 
> question is: is it going to stay there? Or is it some test release? I was 
> just wondering cause sometimes I use 3d plotting and use Mayavi2 for that but 
> in many cases it's like killing the spider with a shotgun, not mentioning 
> that installation process can be quite tricky.
> Thanks for answer in advance/

Like anything in open source, it stays as long as someone supports it.
 The original implementation in matplotlib.axes3d was not supported by
the original authors and none of the core developers had the bandwidth
to support it, so we pulled it when a significant transformations
refactoring broke the existing 3D support and noone had the resources
to fix it.  It languished for a while to Reinier picked up the torch
with help from others and reintegrated it into mpl.  To date he has
been supporting it but is mostly acting alone (bus factor 1) .  So we
plan to continue support for mpl but we need developers to do it, so
don't be shy about jumping into the code base and seeing if you can
make incremental enhancements when you need them.

On the plus side, the core of mpl is in pretty good shape, so I don't
anticipate the need for a significant refactoring of the internals of
the kind Michael did a couple of years ago which broke mplot3d the
first time.


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