Hi Kim,

On 15/03/2010 10:57, Kim Hansen wrote:
Hi group,
I have previously had success with py2exe and matplotlib, using a
specialized setup.py like the attached one (which is adapted from
However, now I have tried to go a step further and integrate some
Tkinter controls in the GUI for a prototype, see attached alphabeta.py
If I do a python setup.exe py2exe with this setup file on the attached
Tkinter/matplotlib and alphabeta.exe is successfully created.
However, it does not run for everyone else:
Myself: Works like a charm
A user with a python environment who make py2exes himself: Crashes on
startup with the attached error log
A user with just a Python environment: Works!
A user with no Python environment: Crashes on startup with the same log.
The log does not give me any good ideas as to how I could modify
setup.py to get it working.
Any good ideas?
Changing the line 560 in mathtext.py from:
             font = FT2Font(basename)
             font = FT2Font(str(basename))

Fixed it for me, I don't know what FT2Font does and why this matters - hopefully someone else can expand on this.

Attached your setup.py a bit simplified as you are using matplotlib 0.99.


Created on 25/01/2010

@author: kha
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import shutil

# We need to import the glob module to search for all files.
import glob

# Remove the build and dist folder, old stuff in there is bitting me once to often:)
shutil.rmtree("build", ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree("dist", ignore_errors=True)

# We need to exclude matplotlib backends not being used by this executable.  You may find
# that you need different excludes to create a working executable with your chosen backend.
# We also need to include include various numerix libraries that the other functions call.
opts = {
    'py2exe': { "includes" : [],
                "excludes": ['_gtkagg', '_tkagg', '_agg2', '_cairo', '_cocoaagg',
                              '_fltkagg', '_gtk', '_gtkcairo', ],
                "dll_excludes": ['libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll',

# matplotlib data
# use mpl's get_py2exe_datafiles()
import matplotlib as mpl
data_files = mpl.get_py2exe_datafiles()

# for console program use 'console = [{"script" : "scriptname.py"}]
setup(windows=[{"script" : "alphabeta.py"}], options=opts, data_files=data_files)

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