I managed to resolve it, by following Mike's hint thanks Mike.

It was simply to change the setup.py script to
        import cx_Freeze
        import sys
        import matplotlib
        base = None
        if sys.platform == "win32":
        base = "Win32GUI"

        executables = [
                cx_Freeze.Executable("script.py", base = base)
                name = "script",
        options = {"build_exe": {"include_files":[( 
                version = "0.1",
                description = "Sample matplotlib script",
                executables = executables)


On Friday 19 March 2010, Michael Droettboom wrote:
> I have no experience with cx_freeze, but the page on packaging
> matplotlib with py2exe may be relevant.  You do need to find a way to
> convince cx_freeze to include the data files and then a way for
> matplotlib to find them at run time.
> Mike
> Peter Bloomfield wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to build executables from python scripts that call matplotlib
> > under linux. To this end I have installed cxfreeze on my SuSE 11.2
> > machine
> >
> > I have tried two methods
> >     1. Execute the command 'cxfreeze script.py'
> > and
> >     2. Creating a setup.py script
> >             import cx_Freeze
> >             import sys
> >             base = None
> >             if sys.platform == "win32":
> >                 base = "Win32GUI"
> >
> >             executables = [
> >                     cx_Freeze.Executable("script.py", base = base)
> >             ]
> >             cx_Freeze.setup(
> >                     name = "script",
> >                     version = "0.1",
> >                     description = "Sample matplotlib script",
> >                     executables = executables)
> >     and then execute 'python setup.py build'
> >
> > In both cases I get an executable, but when executed I get the following
> > error RuntimeError: Could not find the matplotlib data files
> >
> > The version of matplotlib I am running is and Python 2.6.2
> >
> > Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions to resolve this, thanks
> >
> >
> > Peter

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