i am making a scatter plot and i simply use defaults for tick formatting etc;
when i plot the data the plot show on the x axis a multiplier scaling with 
scintific notation;
i would like to get rid of it , the data looks like this:

values5 = 

values6 = 

and when the plot is shown as in the the attachement it show the scintific 
at the x scale.

Any input is appreciated. Thank you much
bye for now


i am making a scatter plot and i simply use defaults for tick formatting etc;
when i plot the data the plot show on the x axis a multiplier scaling with 
scintific notation;
i would like to get rid of it , the data looks like this:

values5 = 

values6 = 

and when the plot is shown as in the the attachement it show the scintific 
at the x scale.

Any input is appreciated. Thank you much
bye for now


<<attachment: sendscat.GIF>>

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