Margherita Vittone wiersma wrote:
> HI,
> i am making a scatter plot and i simply use defaults for tick formatting etc;
> when i plot the data the plot show on the x axis a multiplier scaling with 
> scintific notation;
> i would like to get rid of it , the data looks like this:
> values5 = 
> [-102.44,-102.51,-102.47,-102.52,-102.52,-102.51,-102.44,-102.51,-102.47
> -102.52,-102.52,-102.51,-102.52,-102.49,-102.51,-102.51,-102.51,-102.52
> -102.57,-102.46,-102.55,-102.51,-102.49,-102.51,-102.51,-102.51,-102.52
>            ......]
> values6 = 
> [-98.58,-98.48,-98.5,-98.47,-98.52,-98.48,-98.58,-98.48,-98.5,-98.47,-98.52,
> -98.48,-98.48,-98.48,-98.48,-98.53,-98.48,-98.52,-98.58,-98.58,-98.47,
> -98.55,-98.48,-98.48,-98.53,-98.48,-98.52,-98.58,-98.58,-98.47,-98.55,
> -98.53,-98.48,-98.47,-98.42,-98.48,-98.45,-98.47,-98.52,-98.45,-98.58,
>              ....]
> and when the plot is shown as in the the attachement it show the scintific 
> notation
> at the x scale.

If it were just a matter of scientific notation, you would be able to 
use the ticklabel_format Axes method with style='plain' to turn it off. 
  The real problem, though, is that an offset is being used.  With mpl 
from svn, you can also turn that off with the ticklabel_format() 
function or method, but with released versions you need something a 
little more arcane, e.g.

import pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(values5, values6)
ax = plt.gca()
#ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(nbins=6, steps=[1,2,5,10]))

The commented-out line reduces the number of tick marks; you may want to 
do this because without the offset, the tick labels can get a bit long 
and crowded.


> Any input is appreciated. Thank you much
> bye for now
> Margherita
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> HI,
> i am making a scatter plot and i simply use defaults for tick formatting etc;
> when i plot the data the plot show on the x axis a multiplier scaling with 
> scintific notation;
> i would like to get rid of it , the data looks like this:
> values5 = 
> [-102.44,-102.51,-102.47,-102.52,-102.52,-102.51,-102.44,-102.51,-102.47
> -102.52,-102.52,-102.51,-102.52,-102.49,-102.51,-102.51,-102.51,-102.52
> -102.57,-102.46,-102.55,-102.51,-102.49,-102.51,-102.51,-102.51,-102.52
>            ......]
> values6 = 
> [-98.58,-98.48,-98.5,-98.47,-98.52,-98.48,-98.58,-98.48,-98.5,-98.47,-98.52,
> -98.48,-98.48,-98.48,-98.48,-98.53,-98.48,-98.52,-98.58,-98.58,-98.47,
> -98.55,-98.48,-98.48,-98.53,-98.48,-98.52,-98.58,-98.58,-98.47,-98.55,
> -98.53,-98.48,-98.47,-98.42,-98.48,-98.45,-98.47,-98.52,-98.45,-98.58,
>              ....]
> and when the plot is shown as in the the attachement it show the scintific 
> notation
> at the x scale.
> Any input is appreciated. Thank you much
> bye for now
> Margherita
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