Jim Vickroy wrote:
> The attachment is a simple script that creates a 2D array of unsigned, 
> 8-bit integers and uses matplotlib to save it as a PNG file.
> Unfortunately, the PNG file is much larger than expected -- apparently 
> because it is True-Color; on my MS Windows machine, bit depth, for the 
> file, is listed as 32 rather than the expected 8.

> Can matplotlib  be used to accomplish this?  If so, could someone direct 
> me to where this is discussed?

I don't think so directly. MPL uses a 32 bit image buffer internally, 
and that's what gets saved out in the PNG.

You can post-process the image with something like ImageMagick.

Another alternative is to use PIL -- you can grab the matplotlib buffer, 
make a PIL image out of it, and use PIL to convert to an 8-bit palleted 

For that matter, you could probably bypass MPL, and use numpy to create 
the 8-bit image you want, and PIL to save it as a PNG.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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