j vickroy wrote:
> Thanks much for this information and also for taking the additional time 
> to try the optipng tool.  It is very helpful.
> Since the above mentioned PNG generation is one step in a "near" 
> real-time products generation system, I was hoping to avoid the addition 
> of another component (i.e., PNG compression) in the stream, but it 
> appears unavoidable.

yes, but you can build it into your python script. I'm sorry I don't 
have time to write a sample for you, but:

You can get the RGBA buffer from MPL
You can convert that to a PIL RGBA image.
You can use PIL's "quantize" method to make a palletted image.
You can save that palleted image as a PNG.

I think that will all run pretty fast.

By the way, I'm pretty sure there are a few functions in MPL already 
that use PIL if it is installed -- so if you get this working, it may be 
worth adding to MPL -- or maybe not, it's pretty specialized.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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