On 08/11/2010 06:13 AM, tgabriel wrote:
> Problem 1: I have a dataset which has more values on one side of the scale
> than the other in a contour map. Matplotlib will see that I have more values
> towards one side of the scale, and put all of the colors in that color map
> to that side of the scale.
> For example, lets say I would like my colorbar to show values from -10^6 all
> the way to 10^6.
> But, most of my values are in the -10^6 to -10^5 range. How do I get my
> colorbar not to automatically send all of the colors to that portion of the
> colorbar and leave everything greater than -10^5 to have one color.
> I would like to have the colorbar displaying the same color scaling
> regardless of the data input.
> Here is a copy of my code:
> v2 =
> [-1000000,-100000,-10000,-1000,-100,-10,0,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000]
>       plt.subplot(6,1,2)
>       cset4 = plt.contourf(x2,z2,k2,v2,cmap=cm.get_cmap('jet', len(v2)-1))
>       cset5 = plt.contour(x2,z2,k2,v2,colors = 'k',linewidths = .22,hold='on')
>       #set axes values
>       plt.axis([xmin2,xmax2, zmin,zmax])
>       #set y axes label
>       plt.ylabel('Z, [km]')
>       #display title
>       plt.title('v3 Plot              Max:'+str("%.2f" %k2.max())+'           
>    Min:
> '+str("%.2f" %k2.min()),size='small')
>       #colorbar manipulation
>       cbar = plt.colorbar(cset4,spacing="uniform", shrink =
> 0.95,ticks=[-1000000,-100000,-10000,-1000,-100,-10,0,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000])
> cbar.ax.set_yticklabels(['-10^5','-10^4','-10^3','-10^2','-10^1',0,'10^1','10^2','10^3','10^4','10^5'])
>       #close file
>       f2.close()

I don't understand the problem based on your description and code. 
Please make a stand-alone example script, runnable by anyone, generating 
fake data as needed in the script.  It should require only a little 
reworking of the fragment that you included above.  Please include the 
script as an attachment, so it does not get mangled by the mail sending 
or reading software.

Also, please specify what mpl version you are using.

> Problem 2: If I have a colorbar scale which goes from -10 to 5, and I use
> one of the standard colormaps which has white in the center of it. How do I
> keep the zero point at the white color instead of the colorbar automatically
> picking the midpoint for zero?
> Problem 1 is much more of a pressing issue right now than problem 2.
> Thank you

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