On 8/27/10 12:05 PM, Brian Larsen wrote:
Thanks, that a step, but how do I tell matplotlib where to then put this map? It needs to be on the current figure with the current axes but between 0 and 1 in radius.

Imagine this plot but the black circle instead contains a map of the earth as seen from space in the right viewing geometry.

I can work out the geometry and all but putting the map in that black region has me baffled.


Brian: You can make the basemap axes sit inside your other figure by setting the axes limits manually. Even if you could figure out exactly where to put it though - it will cover more than the black region (the basemap axes will be square). Perhaps the axes background can be set to be transparent - I don't know for sure.


On Aug 27, 2010, at 11:52 AM, Aman Thakral wrote:

Here is an example of the general usage for an orthographic projection.

def genMap(fig, ax, llcrnrlon,llcrnrlat,urcrnrlon,urcrnrlat):
m = Basemap(resolution='i',projection='ortho',lon_0=(urcrnrlon+llcrnrlon)/2,lat_0=(urcrnrlat+llcrnrlat)/2)

llcrnlon = lower left corner longitude
llcrnlat = lower left corner latitude
urcrnlon =upper right corner longitude
urcrnlat = upper right corner latitude

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Brian Larsen <balar...@lanl.gov <mailto:balar...@lanl.gov>> wrote:


    I have but no where in there do I see (or at least understand)
    how to draw a map on top of a current figure with set bounds in
    data space...



    On Aug 27, 2010, at 11:24 AM, Benjamin Root wrote:

    On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Brian Larsen
    <balar...@lanl.gov <mailto:balar...@lanl.gov>> wrote:

        Hello all,

        I am plotting satellite orbit files and it looks really nice
        to plot an Earth in the center with the continents on it to
        orient people to where the spacecraft is.  Does anyway know
        how to do this?  All I seem to be able to do is create a
        whole globe as the figure.

        In this simple example:

        from pylab import *
        r = ndarray(40)
        r[:] = 3.3
        rad = linspace(0, 2*pi, 40)
        subplot(111, polar=True)
        plot(rad, r, lw=3)

        wouldn't it look great to have the earth plotted in the
        space up to 1.0 (as measured in earth radii)?

        Thanks much,


    Have you checked out the basemap tool?


    Ben Root

    Brian A. Larsen
    Space Science and Applications
    Group ISR-1
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
    PO Box 1663, MS-D466
    Los Alamos, NM 87545

    (For overnight add:
    SM-30, Bikini Atoll Road)

    Phone: 505-665-7691
    Fax:   505-665-7395
    email: balar...@lanl.gov <mailto:balar...@lanl.gov>

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Aman Thakral
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Brian A. Larsen
Space Science and Applications
Group ISR-1
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PO Box 1663, MS-D466
Los Alamos, NM 87545

(For overnight add:
SM-30, Bikini Atoll Road)

Phone: 505-665-7691
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