On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Carlos Grohmann
<carlos.grohm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm new to py2exe but I managed to create a binary executable of my
> program. Now I'm experiencing on how to make the final size of the
> binary smaller.
> I already managed to cut about 15Mb by removing calls to pyQt (I use
> Wxpython) and also to scipy.
> One thing that is still bothering me is the mpl_data directory that
> holds about 3.5 Mb of fonts.
> Is it OK to remove the fonts I don't use? (I use only sans-serif) By
> Ok I mean not only from the practical poin tof view (that is, will the
> app run?) but also from the _legal_ point of view (am I obliged to
> distribute all those fonts?)
> And what about all thos .afm files? Are they needed? What are they really?
> I hope to find some answers from your experience.

I think many would definitely benefit from knowing what can be left
out and how to do it, even beyond what you have mentioned.  I look
forward to seeing whatever responses you might get.

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