On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 5:33 PM, Carlos Grohmann

> Hello all,
> Is it OK to remove the fonts I don't use? (I use only sans-serif) By
> Ok I mean not only from the practical poin tof view (that is, will the
> app run?) but also from the _legal_ point of view (am I obliged to
> distribute all those fonts?)

Just to make it very clear, matplotlib is open sourced.  You are free to
modify the package to your heart's content, however you see fit.  Matplotlib
only asks that you keep the copyright notice with the distributed software
(in particular, the matplotlib/license/LICENSE file applies here, as well as

With regards to fonts, refer to the matplotlib/license/LICENSE_STIX file.
My understanding of that license (though, IANAL), is that you don't have to
worry about anything above and beyond just simply including the license file
unless you are eliminating individual glyphs from a font (or adding
glyphs).  However, I don't see any reason why you can't constrain yourself
to a particular font.  Note that you are not allowed to sell any particular
font in the package, though you are allowed to charge a distribution fee for
the "font software".

Generally speaking, my rule of thumb is that if you are distributing
open-source software in the same spirit you have received it, you are
satisfying the spirit of the licenses.  The only thing remaining is whether
the source code has to accompany the software or not.  The core part of
matplotlib is BSD licensed (or similar) and does not require that (although
it is encouraged!).

Important! Note that the basemap package is GPL-licensed, and is required to
have its source code accompany its software.  However, unless your program
*depends* on basemap for it to function, the source code to your program is
not required to be GPL-ed.

And, as always, I am not a lawyer.  I am merely conveying my understanding
and experience with software licensing.  Anyone else is free to add to
and/or correct what I have said here.

I hope this helps!
Ben Root
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