2010/9/23 Peter Hoekje <phoe...@bw.edu>:
> OK, I spoke a little too soon last time.  I reinstalled it tonight and looked 
> a little closer.  Essentially all of the regular files under
> .../site-packages/matplotlib/... and its subdirectories have permissions 
> similar to
> -rw--w----
> not just the mpl-data subdir, and I guess they should be something like
> -rw-r--r--
> Also, I looked into why I couldn't chmod; apparently our "labadmin" account 
> wasn't given permission to chmod or chown anybody else's files, so I need to 
> talk to our IT guy about that.
> peter

When you run the installer, OS X just asks you for *some*
administrator account, and if you can provide this, the installer will
actually be run by the system in the **root** account!  (At least on
my machine, which isn't a server.  I guess your's is?)

'Course you cannot chmod those files.

For the installer, it's really just a mistake, if noone cares, I can
prepare a new installer here on my machine.


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