The gcc-4.0/4.2 issue was the key to the problem. I did this and matplotlib
got installed without any issue, and I could import pyplot ok.

* First I set 'export CC=gcc-4.0'
* In the same terminal I ran the usual configure/make/make install for
libpng and freetype
* I then rebuilt matplotlib the usual way (python build, sudo
python install)

Before rebuilding matplotlib I edited the 'darwin' line in the
basedir declaration accordingly:

'darwin' : [],


'darwin' : ['/usr/local'],

I don't know if that was necessary but I did it anyway.

Thanks for the help Friedrich. I did actually see that matplotlib was
compiled with gcc-4.0, but it never occured to me that libpng / freetype
should use the same compiler.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 3:46 AM, Friedrich Romstedt <> wrote:

> Yaaa, this was some time ago, I guess you did the following:
> *  export CC=gcc-4.2
> *  maybe also modifying the
> I must say, that Python distutils (or distribute, whatever you use)
> overrides the CC environment variable with the gcc version Python was
> compiled with.  If you use Python, this will be gcc-4.0.
> Could be that this is your issue: You compiled freetype with gcc-4.2
> and Python uses gcc-4.0 for compiling matplotlib.  Then the matplotlib
> libraries cannot load the gcc-4.2 compiled ones, because they are "too
> new".  Encountered this several times on my own computer.
> Notice that the instructions are still valid.  The
> _png.cpp instructions are obsolete for recent versions of matplotlib,
> you can use libpng-1.4 right away.
> First, I'll wait for your response if you use Python, and
> then we see what to do next.  Don't want to bombard you with
> non-applicable recommendations.
> Concerning your message:
> 2010/10/3 Åke Kullenberg <>:
> > I just installed matplotlib-1.0.0 on my system (Snow Leopard, python
> 2.7),
> > but somehow when I try to import pyplot i get the error below.
> > For reference, I installed matplotlib from source. Prior to that I
> installed
> > libpng-1.4.4 and freetype-2.4.2 the usual way (./configure, make, make
> > install) plus I installed pkgcong as well. After getting the error I
> tried
> > the tips Friedrich R gave in this thread
> > ( too, but I
> still
> > get the error.
> Notice, I'm using Python 2.6, I hope this won't be an issue.  Using
> Snow Leopard as well.
> > From a few google attempts it seems that it is an issue of dynamic vs
> static
> > linking. I can't say that I know what that is, but I'd be very interested
> in
> > knowing whether I can do anything from my side to sort things out.
> Hmm, here maybe you also ran across what I said, just to add that
> afaict make.osx isn't doing static linking, but rather linking against
> newly-installed shared libs.  The libs are compiled just by the
> make.osx script.  Got this impression when I had an own look into the
> script.
> > Here is the error:
> >     from matplotlib import ft2font
> > ImportError:
> >
> dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/,
> > 2): Symbol not found: _FT_Attach_File
> >   Referenced from:
> >
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/
> >   Expected in: dynamic lookup
> Yeah, this looks pretty much like what I said.
> Sorry for the confusion with the old threads, I think best will be to
> search the matplotlib archive for recent threads, my replies got
> better with time, as I sorted out things myself.  I really feel I
> should write things up for the matplotlib page as far as I came so far
> with my investigations ... And please reply back.
> If the external libraries you're using change: Do a new build in a
> new, freshly untared matplotlib directory or sth like that.  I found
> that, for some reason, it is necessary to really rebuild the
> matplotlib libraries when a shared library they load is changed.  It
> is not sufficient to just replace the external shared library (like
> freetype2) to make it work.  My knowledge in linking is not as deep as
> that I could explain the guts why this is so, but you have to do it (I
> had to at least).  Keep in mind that dependency checks do not include
> the shared libs matplotlib libraries like ft2font rely on.  I can only
> guess that it only applies to the gcc-4.0/4.2 issue.  Otherwise shared
> libs would be nearly useless.
> Friedrich
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