On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Fernando Perez <fperez....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nope, identical behavior, just tested with a rebuilt-from-now numpy and mpl:

OK, the plot thickens.  I may have spoken too fast: the behavior we
see in the Qt console is indeed the same I reported earlier, and the
MPL bug where doing pastefig() (which just calls savefig() to svg)
causes the bad redrawing of the axis is still there, and definitely a
MPL issue.

BUT, if I save the svg manually to a file from mpl or from the Qt
console, so the raw SVG data is written out, then it looks fine once I
open it in inkscape.

So it seems the problem is actually with the Qt widget's display of
that SVG file, somehow it seems the Qt widget doesn't correctly
understand the clipping info (which Inkscape is OK with).

We'll bounce this over to the Qt folks to see if it's a known bug in Qt.

In summary, only the bad redrawing of axes is a confirmed MPL issue,
sorry for the confusion.



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