
A.S.: Ralf, wasn't the reason why we shifted to Vincent's build
machine running 10.5, because numpy didn't run on 10.4 when built on

2010/11/2 pablomos <pa...@princeton.edu>:
> I attempted to install Pylab on my own computer and so far have had no
> success. I followed these steps:
> 1) downloaded Python 2.6 for OS 10.4
> 2) downloaded the corresponding numpy and installed it (successfully)

> 3) downloaded the corresponding matplotlib
> (matplotlib-1.0.0-python.org-py2.6-macosx10.4.dmg) and installed it [One
> possible cause for the error is that, though the package includes
> "macosx10.4", the actual installing package (which one can see if one tries
> a customized install) says "macosx10.5".]

This is due to a bug in bdist_mpkg probably, used to generate those
binaries on a 10.5 system, although the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET was
10.4 or 10.3 (as I strongly believe), the installer outputs somehow
"-10.5" when run.  I don't know details.

Of course it is contradictory to my above assumtion that the build was
carried out on a 10.6 ...

> 4) Attempted to run Python and import Pylab. I got an error related to
> _tkinter not being found (even though it is installed). I looked all over
> the forums for this error, and it seems that the only solution is to edit
> the setup.py file and recompile matplotlib. However, because I installed
> from a binary, I cannot do this. So I attempted to install from source:

Can you give more details on the _tkinter error, is it matplotlib
specific, or does it mean the Python _tkinter if such one exists at
all?  It's kinda strange.

> 5) I downloaded matplotlib-1.0.0.tar.gz and untarred it. Then I ran:
> 'make' (which supposedly takes care of finding out where all the Mac stuff
> is located) and

For Python packages, ``make`` is *usually* not used.  Indeed,
matplotlib is an exception here (see below).

> 'python setup.py build', the default command for building Python modules.
> Now I get a ton of errors, the first one being:
> freetype2: found, but unknown version (no pkg-config)
> * WARNING: Could not find 'freetype2' headers in any
> * of '.', './freetype2'.

You got it.  If you have freetype2 and libpng installed on your
system, just have a look at setupext.py, and add the installation root
path (most likely '/usr/local') to the 'darwin' section.  It is left
out because of problems on > 10.4, but on your 10.4 system it should
work.  It's the most easy solution if.

If you don't have freetype2 installed / libpng, and you really want to
compile from source (if we cannot sort out the _tkinter thingy), then
there are two ways: Hard-core installation by compiling them yourself,
or assisted by make.osx.  I personally cannot give you advice with the
more easy make.osx way, but be aware of that also this compiles and
installs the libs.  For the hard-core way you might find my docs on
that useful (it's intended for 10.6, so feedback from 10.4 users is
 Vincent is hosting that site, gratefully acknowledged.

> As a third try, I attempted to install using easy_install, a tool for
> installing Python modules:
> 6) I ran 'easy_install matplotlib'. This runs very quickly (suspicious)
> 7) The same error as in step 4 comes up when trying to import pylab
>  I went into
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
> and deleted all matplotlib-related stuff, thinking that maybe easy_install
> didn't do anything because matplotlib was already installed

> 9) Repeated step 6, and saw the same errors that came up when trying to
> install from source

You mean easy_install wanted to install from source??

Btw, the binaries *should* work.  It looks like kind of failure of the
binaries.  Might be that I'm missing something, though.

Hope you find this useful,

[Don't forget to "reply to all" and not only me.]

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